Friday, 17 February 2012

Break Out!

I can still recall those relaxing days of sitting at my favourite pub in Scotland sipping that delicious whisky. It seems like it was yesterday, when in reality it was over three years ago. How time flies when you find that comfortable groove in life, forgetting how enjoyable that Country house hotel Scotland was.
The very idea of returning to that wonderful country has me nearly salivating. I had such a wonderful time there, the food, the drink, and of course the warm and friendly people. I had never experienced such hospitality, until I stayed at that famous hotel. It seemed as though the hotel staff were waiting to fulfill my every need, of course with a smile. I can only imagine the time and effort that those individuals must put in to make that hotel run as smoothly as it does: making the rooms daily, keeping track of who is coming and going, and you can't forget the amazing meals that they offer.

As I begin to think of my experience in Scotland, the idea of booking another trip to that wonderful country has crossed my mind. What would I be missing if I went? Work? There will always be plenty more of that to do, surely. Furthermore, I feel as though I have earned a small break from this grind. That's it, I am booking a Cairngorms hotel. This small city will fulfill every need that I have, since I have been reading an abundance of reviews on how Cairngorms is a wonderful alternative to many of the larger cities of Scotland. Surely, I will spend an abundance of time in places like Glasgow, Edinburgh, and some of the surrounding cities near Cairngorms, but I am also looking for a place where I can truly relax. Cairngorms seems to be that place.

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