Friday, 27 May 2011

Bucharest – the Biggest City in Romania

Romania is a country in Eastern Europe, located on the Balkan Peninsula. Its capital is Bucharest. Bucharest is the biggest and most populated city in the country and the most prosperous one as well. It is also a cultural, financial and industrial centre of Romania.

During the years, the city has encountered a lot of difficulties, but still has managed to preserve its beauties and charm. Some people call Bucharest “The Little Paris of the East”, because of its reminding of Paris atmosphere. The neoclassical western style buildings, The Arch of Triumph and the old palaces remind very much of France. These factors have made the Romanian capital a desired tourist destination. Not only this, but Bucharest hotels and restaurants add some extra attractiveness to the city. It is the perfect place to spend a romantic holiday, or to enrich your cultural knowledge about the country and Europe.

The most remarkable sight in Bucharest is the People's Palace or the Palace of the Parliament. It is an unpleasant memory from the past, but locals have learned not to think about it this way. Instead of reminding them for the tyrannical reign of its creator, the Communist leader Nicolae Ceausescu, Romanians have accepted it as a tourist attraction, which brings them income. The People's Palace holds the record for the heaviest building in the world, the most expensive building in the world and the largest civilian administrative building in the world. It is also the second biggest building in the world. Only the Pentagon is bigger than it. Quite amazing, isn't it? Such a small country and so interesting and colossal landmarks.

Well, I can tell you one thing – you will like Bucharest! I guarantee. Book a room in some Bucharest hotel, grab some luggage and go for it.

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